Gran tour de Europa


31 Days

Physical rate


Starting city



April 2024 / October 2024

Cities to visit: Paris; Bruges; Amsterdam; Hannover; Goslar; Berlin; Dresden; Prague; ; Gyor; Budapest; Bratislava; Vienna; Salzburg; Innsbruck; Zugspitze; Feldkirch; Saint Gallen; Constance, Baden-Wurttemberg; Stein Am Rhein; Zurich; Bern; Fribourg; Nyon; Yvoire; Geneva; Milan; Venice, Véneto; Ravenna; Assisi; Rome; Florence; Pisa, Tuscany; Sestri Levante; Montecarlo; Costa Azul; Arles; Barcelona; Penedes Region; Zaragoza; Madrid

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Detailed day by day description


Dear Traveler: thank you for choosing us to perform this Tour! We hope you enjoy your trip.

Here we give you a guidance on their tour with the information that we believe may be of your interest. The information is indicative, may exist variations on designated hours.

TRANSFER from the airport, if you have it included or purchasing. Our transfer will be waiting for you with a poster on behalf of Europamundo or its name to the output of the custom (after collecting your luggage)..

Remember to inform us by phone if you lost your connection flight or expected delay of their arrival, in your VOUCHER figure the phone of the transfer.

IMPORTANT: If you had additional nights upon arrival the hotel will have your reservation, but his travel guide normally will not be until the night before the start of the tour.

Welcome to Europamundo! We’ll transfer you to the hotel and you’ll have some free time. In the afternoon, you’ll find information about the start of your tour on the boards located at the hotel reception.
IMPORTANT: Please note that hotel check-in time is typically at 14:00 p.m. If you need early room access, consider booking an additional night at the start of your trip.
If you have booked additional nights, your room will be prepared upon arrival, but your trip guide will generally only contact you when the scheduled activities begin. At reception, you’ll find a sign with contact details and assistance hours for our staff. Until the tour begins, your schedule is free, and the hotel staff can assist with any inquiries.
Optional activities: During your trip, your guide may offer optional activities. We recommend booking these activities well in advance through the Europamundo app or your "My Trip" link to ensure availability. Last-minute bookings may result in limited availability (e.g., tickets, coach seats).
Note: The timings in this itinerary are indicative. The guide may adjust schedules as needed to make sure you have the best experience.
París –día libre.- Nuestro guía le ofrecerá como actividad opcional para complementar su visita a París un Paseo por el Sena en barco y Barrio Latino. Si prefiere, puede tomarse el día libre y pasear siguiendo su criterio.
Total distance traveled: 565 km.
Landscapes: Great plains, in Holland pleasant landscapes with canals and distant mills.
07:30 hrs . - Paris -Departure.
12:30 hrs . - Bruges -Arrival. Our guide will inform you about the city of canals where you have time to visit it and have lunch. Take a good look at where the parking lot is located in which we are obliged to leave the coach. Half board travelers have lunch included.
17:00 hrs. - Bruges -Departure.
20:30 hrs. - Amsterdam - Arrival. Accommodation.
Total distance: 385 km.

Scenery: Plains, industrial areas, motorways of Germany.
08:30 hrs. Sightseeing tour of AMSTERDAM with local guide. This tour will last about two hours where we will know Dam Square with the town hall, the narrow canals and the most representative ones, the museum area and the Floating flower Market and the flower market. The visit ends in a factory-museum of diamonds where we will have an opportunity to see the diamond cutting technique traditional activity of Holland. The visit will finish at about 11.30hrs. Free time to stroll and have lunch.
15:00 hrs. - Amsterdam - Departure. Plain and industrial regions traveling through northern Germany.
20:00 hrs. - Hanover. Arrival and accommodation.
Note: On dates when there are trade fairs or congresses, the accommodation may be in a nearby town.
Total distance covered: 370 km.

Scenery: The scenery in the Goslar and Quedlinburg area is very beautiful; Hartz mountains, little villages.
08:00 hrs. - Hannover - Departure -.
09:30 hrs. - Goslar - Arrival -. A town declared UNESCO World Heritage, one of the prettiest towns in Germany with its historic houses and its Market Square. Time for a stroll.
11.15 hrs. -Goslar -departure-. We continue our route through one of the most beautiful areas of Germany.
12.00 hrs- Quedlinburg- arrival. UNESCO declared this city a World Heritage Site due to its fascinating historic center, which has survived almost unscathed for centuries with its more than 2100 half-timbered houses. Also noteworthy are the town hall and the castle. Free time for a stroll and lunch.
14.15 hrs- Quedlinburg departure. We travel to the capital of Germany.
17.00 hrs. -Berlin -Arrival. Free time.
08:00 a.m. – Berlin (confirm schedule at hotel reception). We’ll begin our panoramic tour of Berlin with a local guide, lasting approximately two and a half hours. From the bus, we’ll see Museum Island, the Television Tower, the central shopping streets, the old cathedral destroyed in World War II, the Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag, and the city’s large parks. We’ll also leave the coach to explore the Holocaust Memorial and the Berlin Wall Memorial Museum, two powerful landmarks that remind us of Germany’s difficult history in the previous century. Enjoy a free afternoon to explore the city at your leisure. Optionally, you can visit Potsdam with its gardens, Sanssouci Palace, and Cecilienhof Palace.
Note: In some cases, the city tour may take place the day before.
Praga - Día libre en la capital Checa.
Distancia total realizada: 267 km.

Paisajes: Agradables paisajes verdes. Cruzamos el Danubio en Bratislava.
07:30 hrs. - Budapest –salida-.
10:00 hrs. .- Bratislava –Llegada-. Nos encontramos en la capital de ESLOVAQUIA, esta ciudad junto al Danubio tiene un atractivo núcleo histórico. Tiempo para conocer la ciudad y almorzar.
14:00 hrs. - Bratislava -Salida. Pasamos a Austria.
15:00 hrs - Vien a - llegada. Tras la llegada realizamos panorámica de Viena. Esta visita se realiza con guía local con una duración de unas dos horas y media. En la visita conocerá la famosa Ringstrasse, el principal boulevard de Viena, la Ópera, el exterior del palacio de Hofburg, paso por los jardines del Prater, Castillo de Belvedere, castillo de Schonbrunn.
Por la noche incluimos un traslado a la plaza del Ayuntamiento , podrá disfrutar su iluminación y la actividad nocturna de las calles vecinas. Nuestro guía le orientará sobre la zona. Cena incluida para pasajeros que adquirieron media pensión.
21.30 hrs- Regreso al hotel.
Nota: en ocasiones la visita a la Plaza del Ayuntamiento puede realizarse el jueves en lugar del miércoles a la llegada. En ese caso, esta visita finalizaría a las 12.00 hrs.
Día libre en Viena. Un día tranquilo para pasear por su cuenta, comprar o conocer más a fondo los palacios y museos de Viena.
Distancia efectuada: 485 km Paisajes: Alpes austriacos. Altas montañas.
08.00 hrs- Viena, salimos recorriendo muy agradables paisajes entre verdes colinas cubiertas con bosques y lugares históricos.
12.15 hrs- Salzburgo. Llegada y tiempo para pasear y almorzar en la ciudad de Mozart, su casco antiguo es Patrimonio de la Humanidad por sus numerosos palacios, iglesias y plazas encantadoras. Podrá conocer el Altstadt, donde se encuentra la casa de Mozart, o la fortaleza, impresionante castillo medieval magníficamente bien conservado.
15.30 hrs- Salzburgo, salida. Nos dirigimos a la región del Tirol adentrándonos en los Alpes.
18.00 hrs.- Innsbruck, llegada a esta pequeña ciudad, capital del Tirol, rodeada de las altas montañas de los Alpes. Podrá pasear por su atractivo y tranquilo centro histórico, donde destaca el palacio imperial y el tejado de oro.
Distancia total realizada: 155 km.
Paisajes: Bonitos paisajes de montañas,, poblaciones pintorescas con arquitectura típica.
Nota: Lleve el pasaporte a mano; puede ser solicitado al entrar en Liechtenstein.-
08:30 hrs. Innsbruck llegada. Iniciamos nuestra visita panorámica con guía local. Duración aproximada dos horas. Innsbruck se encuentra rodeada por altas cumbres de los Alpes. Caminaremos por su barrio histórico donde destaca la plaza central y el edificio del tejado de oro. Tiempo libre. Almuerzo incluido para pasajeros en media pensión.
14:00 hrs. - Innsbruck –salida-. Viajamos atravesando el Tirol hacia Liechtenstein, pequeño país independiente ubicado en las montañas entre Austria y Suiza.
16:30 hrs. - Vaduz –pequeña capital del país- , tiempo para un paseo.
18:00 hrs. - Vaduz salida .- Nuevamente pasamos a Austria.
18:30 hrs. - Feldkirch –Llegada-. En Austria, junto a la frontera con Suiza, Liechtenstein y Alemania; encantadora ciudad amurallada con hermoso casco medieval y castillo.
Total distance covered: 215 km.

Scenery: Picturesque views throughout the journey; lakes, charming villages.
Note: Mainau Island is in Germany; you may need some euros.
08:15 a.m. – We will depart from Feldkirch and head to Switzerland.
09:00 a.m. - St. Gallen. Its center, featuring a magnificent cathedral and historic old town, is listed as a World Heritage site.
10:00 a.m. - Departure from St. Gallen. We will continue along Lake Constance, which lies between Germany and Switzerland.
11:15 a.m. - Constance. Enjoy a leisurely stroll through this elegant city.
12:45 p.m. - Departure from Constance.
01:15 p.m. - Mainau Island. Accessible via a pedestrian bridge. We include admission to explore its beautiful botanical garden. Time for lunch.
03:30 p.m. - Departure from Mainau Island.
04:15 p.m. - Stein am Rhein. A picturesque village on the banks of the Rhine River, renowned for its charming houses adorned with painted walls.
05:15 p.m. - Departure from Stein am Rhein.
05:45 p.m. - Rhine Falls. Our itinerary includes a visit to the most powerful waterfall in Europe.
06:45 p.m. - Departure from Rhine Falls. We will travel on the highway to Zurich.
07:30 p.m. - Arrival in Zurich.
Total distance covered: 42 km.
Note: Today’s itinerary is unique, featuring a boat journey across Lake Zurich and a return trip by train. Depending on the number of travelers, transfers to and from the city center may be conducted using public transport. Please note that the boat schedules may change, and the itinerary may be adjusted accordingly.
09:00 a.m. - We’ll depart from the hotel for a tranquil day. Accompanied by our guide, we’ll take a leisurely walk-through Zurich, Switzerland’s largest city and its financial and cultural hub. Renowned for its banking industry, Zurich has twice been recognized as the city with the best quality of life in the world.
10:30 a.m. - We’ll embark on an approximately two-hour cruise on Lake Zurich. The boat will make brief stops, allowing us to admire the charming villages along the way.
12:30 p.m. - Rapperswil - Arriving in this quaint and picturesque village, famous for its medieval castle, we’ll have time to explore and enjoy lunch.
03:00 p.m. - We’ll return to Zurich by train, experiencing the efficiency and punctuality of the Swiss railway system. The journey back to Zurich will take just under 35 minutes. Afterward, you´ll have free time to explore the city on your own.
Total distance covered: 304 km.
Scenery: Beautiful landscapes throughout the day; meadows, hills, picturesque villages and great views over Lake Geneva.
Note: We recommend wearing warm clothes to enjoy the boat ride on the deck.
08:00 a.m. – Departure from Zurich. We’ll travel through beautiful landscapes.
09:45 a.m. - Bern. The capital of the country and one of the most beautiful historic cities in Switzerland. We’ll go to the Rose Garden viewpoint to admire the beautiful landscape of the city. Free time to explore and have lunch.
01:00 p.m. – Departure from Bern. We’ll head towards the French-speaking region of Switzerland.
01:45 p.m. - Fribourg. A historic bilingual city with an interesting and historic town center.
02:45 p.m. – Departure from Fribourg.
04:15 p.m. – Nyon. Arrival in this small Roman city on the shore of the lake. After some time to walk around, we’ll travel to France by boat on Lake Geneva (commonly known in France as lac Léman) at approximately 04:40 p.m. The journey will last about 20 minutes. This boat ride offers a delightful opportunity to enjoy the lake (in some cases, we may take the reverse service, Yvoire-Nyon).
05:00 p.m. – Yvoire. Arrival in this beautiful medieval village with fortified gates, a castle, flowery streets, and beautiful views over the lake.
06:30 p.m. – Departure from Yvoire.
07:30 p.m. – Geneva.
Note: Accommodation will usually be in the French outskirts of the town.
08:00 a.m. - We´ll begin with a scenic tour of the capital of Italy, led by a local guide, lasting approximately two and a half hours. Rome, one of the most influential cities in Western civilization, will be explored by coach, adhering to the city’s strict regulations for tourist coaches. During the tour, you´ll get to know ancient Rome: the Colosseum, the Arch of Constantine, the Theatre of Marcellus, Capitoline Hill, the Roman Forums, Circus Maximus, the Basilica of Saint Mary in Cosmedin with the Bocca della Verità (the Mouth of Truth), Republican temples, the Baths of Caracalla, the Aurelian Walls, the Basilica of Saint Mary Major, the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran, the Minor Basilica of Saint Mary in Domnica alla Navicella, the Pyramid of Cestius, Porta San Paolo, Lungotevere Avenue with the Babylonian-style Jewish Synagogue, Tiber Island, and the exterior of Castel Sant´Angelo.
The tour will end in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican. For those interested, our guide will offer an optional tour after the scenic tour, allowing you to explore St. Peter´s Basilica and the most outstanding rooms of the Vatican Museums, including the Sistine Chapel, in more detail.
Free time in the afternoon. 06:30 p.m. - In the evening, we´ll include a transfer to Trastevere, a lively neighborhood known for its charming traditional restaurants. We’ll return to the hotel at approximately 08:30 p.m.
Note: Due to ongoing municipal regulations regarding the circulation of tourist coaches in Rome, the described scenic tour may be subject to variation.
Enjoy a full day of free time to continue exploring the city. Today, we recommend an optional excursion to Naples, Capri, and Pompeii.
Total distance covered: 320km.
Scenery: Pleasant landscapes of historical towns along the route.
Note: We recommend wearing comfortable shoes as the city tour of Florence involves walking.
08:00 a.m. – Departure from Rome (time may vary, depending on the departure points).
12:30 p.m. – Florence. Upon arrival, we´ll stop at the Michelangelo viewpoint for a photo opportunity, offering one of the most stunning views of the city. Following this, we´ll embark on a sightseeing tour with a local guide of this renowned city, one of Italy´s most visited destinations considered the cradle of the Renaissance and some of the most influential artists and thinkers in history, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Botticelli, and Raphael. Highlights of the tour include the Gothic cathedral Duomo di Firenze, the historic Ponte Vecchio, known for its goldsmith workshops along its paved streets and Piazza della Signoria, the city´s political heart featuring the medieval town hall. Free time in the afternoon. We recommend visiting one of its impressive museums, such as the Accademia Gallery or the Uffizi Gallery.
Total distance covered: 450 km.
Landscapes: Beautiful views of the Mediterranean.
08:00 a.m. - Departure from Florence.
09:15 a.m. - Pisa. Our guide will offer you insightful information about the monumental site. According to the city´s tourist regulations, we will need to park the bus in the designated area assigned by the town hall, which is about one kilometer away from the site itself. You´ll have the option to walk or take a bus to reach there. Please remember the bus number for your return journey; our guide will provide you with this information.
11:00 a.m. - Departure from Pisa. We’ll continue along the Mediterranean coast, passing by the white marble mountains of Carrara. We’ll exit the highway through the Italian Riviera, one of the most beautiful places in the Mediterranean.
12:45 p.m. - Sestri Levante. Charming small seaside resort town. Time for a stroll and lunch.
03:00 p.m. - Departure from Sestri Levante. We’ll follow the Riviera amidst spectacular seascapes.
06:00 p.m. - Monte Carlo. Time for a stroll in this glamorous area, and if you wish, you can visit its famous casino (remember to bring your passport with you).
07:15 p.m. - Departure from Monte Carlo. We’ll continue along the middle corniche towards the capital of the French Riviera.
08:00 p.m. - Nice.
Please note: During this stage of our trip, there may be instances where the guide is not fluent in English.
After breakfast, our journey will come to an end, leaving you with wonderful lasting memories.
Note: Please be aware that the hotel check-out time is usually 10:00 a.m. You can leave your luggage in reception upon check-out, allowing you to explore the city without carrying your bags. You can retrieve your luggage at your convenience later in the day. If you require additional time to use your room, we recommend booking an extra night at the end of your tour.

Map Tour


Since: USD 5,354.56